Acupuncture role in fertility & Pregnancy
Acupuncture is a safe and gentle way to assist women in fertility and pregnancy planning. Just like preparing the soil to plant a tree you want to prepare your internal environment to grow a life.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) suggests that you start fertility preparation three months prior to conception. I recommend starting the woman’s treatments three months prior to conception; once a fortnight which includes Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, dietary and lifestyle guidance as needed.
Research has shown that TCM (Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine) can significantly improve the woman’s eggs quality and improve the thickness of the uterine lining by increasing the blood flow to the reproductive organs.
Acupuncture can also improve digestion, strengthen the immune system and calm anxiety, which are all important factors for improving a woman’s Fertility and maintain a healthy pregnancy.
What Acupuncture and TCM can help with?
- Irregular Menses, unexplained infertility, sub fertility, PCOS and fibroids.
- In early pregnancy-nausea, fatigue and miscarriage prevention.
- Second stages of pregnancy- hemorrhoids, constipation, reflux, heartburn, insomnia, fatigue and exhaustion, anxiety, depression and small for dates.
- Third stage- back and neck pain, sciatica, pubic symphysis pain, rib pain, irritability, carpal tunnel syndrome and oedema.
- Breach babies -optimal at weeks 34-36.
- Pre Labor assistance at home – Partner instruction for acupressure.
- Labor preparation – weekly from week 36.
- Labor induction – Week 40 and 41 (Acupuncture can reduce the need for medical induction and the use of epidurals or caesarean sections).
- Post Labor- Recovery, absence of lactation and mastitis due to blocked mild ducts.
Despite the male reproductive systems being less complex than a women’s, the World Health Organisation recognises infertility as 50% male and 50% female factors. Acupuncture has been shown to have a positive effect on sperm morphology (shape of the sperm), motility (ability to swim) and sperm count. TCM will also improve the overall health and vitality of a man.